
Craigslist find

I was looking for a computer armoire for our family room re do that would house our home computer, xbox, ps3, and printer. I was ecstatic when I came across a piece on Craigslist for just $75.00 and it was exactly what I was looking for:) I <3 Craiglist!!
It has lots of room for everything and even my 2 year old enjoys hiding in it:)
It came with an unexpected bonus! 2 cork board pieces on the inside of each door.

They were in good condition and I love the functionality of having cork board right next to where you sit. I'm going to be painting the computer armoire a creamy white to match my kitchen cabinets (which I will be painting soon also so keep an eye out for that post). I had some extra fabric left over from the pillows I made for the room so I decided to use that to take the cork board up a notch:)

I cut the fabric to size (make sure you leave enough hang on all sides to wrap around so there's no edge showing) and using a spray adhesive I sprayed the cork board and covered the board in the fabric. Caution: Do this outside because spray adhesive stinks and can get everything super sticky!!

Then simply hot glue all sides down on back to create a nice edge all around.

There you have it! It looks much better and now coordinates with the room and its a super easy diy project to dress up that boring cork board and you could even add nail head trim or ribbon:)

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